Request for Abstracts – Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Working Group Graduate Research Workshop
The Race, Ethnicity and Gender Working Group (REG) in the Department of Politics brings together faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students to advance research, mentorship and teaching on political questions that address race, ethnicity and gender.
An integral element of our mission is to support graduate research on the politics of race, ethnicity and gender. Therefore, we will hold the first annual REG Graduate Student Workshop on January 19, 2018. We invite applications from graduate students to present a working paper, receive feedback from a faculty discussant and receive a $200 gift certificate to the UVA Bookstore in recognition of their research excellence. Ph.D. students in the Department of Politics are eligible to apply. We anticipate selecting 3-4 students.
Proposed research papers must involve some aspect of race, ethnicity and/or gender. Papers may be standalone projects or a discrete component of a larger research project.
Workshop participants will be expected to
- Present their working paper at the January 19 workshop, to be held from 12-1:30pm.
- Attend the REG Open House, 5-7pm, hosted by Nick Winter.
Submissions should include:
- Title of the paper, abstract of not more than 200 words that identifies and explains the importance of the question to be addressed, describes the approach(es) used, and articulates the connection between the research and race, ethnicity and/or gender.
- CV
REG faculty from several subfields will evaluate abstracts on the importance of the questions they raise; the suitability of the approach they take; and their relevance to race, ethnicity and gender in the study of politics.
Abstracts and CVs must be submitted by email as a single PDF attachment to Nicholas Winter, by 5pm on December 15. Selections will be announced in early January, 2018.
More information about REG is available on our website. Inquiries about REG may be directed to Denise Walsh.
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