Graduate Student


My research explores how individual beliefs, attitudes, and preferences shape political behavior. I am particularly interested in the ways in which gender attitudes influence political opinions and actions. I have regional interests in both Europe and the United States, and utilize a variety of methodologies across my work - including experiments, observational data analysis, and content analysis.


My research interests lie at the intersection of comparative politics and international relations, with a focus on economic policies. I hope to research on how state and non-state actors shape governments’ priorities and behaviors on international trade and finance. With a specific interest in non-democratic countries, I am curious about why certain non-democratic countries are able to effectively cooperate with each other to tackle trans-national issues while others are incapable of making alliances.


My dissertation, “What is Local Politics?” contends that politics in American cities is defined by partisan identities, local media, and elite communication.


My research focuses on disingenuous claim-making in contemporary politics. I’m interested in examining the function this type of claim-making serves for both speaker and audience


Research interests: Nonideal and realist political theory. Critical theory. Public opinion.

I am mainly interested in political theory and the way in which it is related to the practice of politics. More precisely, I pursue research about how public opinion, democratic decision-making, and deliberation inform normative thinking about salient political issues. In parallel, I am also working on quantitative public opinion projects about religiosity, racism, and the legalization of marijuana in Canada.


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