
John Echeverri-Gent headshot

John Echeverri-Gent is an associate professor in the Department of Politics at the University of Virginia. He is the author of The State and the Poor: Public Policy and Political Development in India and the United States and co-editor of Interpreting Politics: Situated Knowledge, India, and the Rudolph Legacy and Economic Reform in Three Giants: U.S. Foreign Policy and the USSR, China, and India. His many articles on comparative public policy and the political economy of development have appeared in Perspectives on Politics; PS: Political Science and Politics; World Development; Policy Studies Journal; Asian Survey; Contemporary South Asia; and India Review.  His most recent publications include: “Economic Distress Amidst Political Success: India’s Economic Policy Under Modi, 2014-2019” with Aseema Sinha and Andrew Wyatt, India Review 2021, 20:4 pp. 402–435 and “Centrism, Political Leadership, and the Future of India,” with Kamal Sadiq in Interpreting Politics: Situated Knowledge, India, and the Rudolph Legacy, edited by John Echeverri-Gent and Kamal Sadiq, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 319-59. With Aseema Sinha, he is coordinating a joint project of ten international scholars entitled “Varieties of Reform: India’s Hybrid Patterns of Reform and Capitalist Adjustment. Echeverri-Gent is also completing a book manuscript entitled “Politics of Markets: Political Economy of India’s Financial Market Development in Comparative Perspective”.  John Echeverri-Gent is a member of the editorial board of Political Science Quarterly. He has served as a consultant to the World Bank and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  He has chaired the American Political Science Task Force on “Difference and Inequality in Developing Societies.” He is the winner of the 1993 Theodore J. Lowi Award presented by the Policy Studies Organization for best article in the Policy Studies Journal. He has also served as a MacArthur Scholar, Senior Fellow at the American Institute of Indian Studies, and Fulbright Scholar.  He received his PhD and MA in political science from the University of Chicago.

Associate Professor

Ph.D., University of Chicago

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