Hakeem Jefferson headshot

“You’re Making it Harder for the Rest of Us!”: In-group Policing and Perceptions of Collective Costs

Hakeem Jefferson | Assistant Professor, Stanford University

Friday, November 20, 2020 9:30 AM



In this workshop talk, I am eager to share some new work that builds on my efforts to understand the relationship between the politics of respectability, in-group policing, and Black Americans’ punitive attitudes (under review). In particular, I propose a new construct for consideration, “perceptions of collective costs”—the sense that in-group members’ behaviors have cascading consequences for the whole. For the first part of the talk, I will outline a new measure that I use to capture this construct, discuss its correlates, demonstrate its distinctiveness from other familiar constructs, and showcase how it matters in shaping in-group members’ attention and reaction to stereotype-confirming behavior. Following this discussion, I will present preliminary results from an experiment that examines the conditions under which collective cost concerns are activated. I will conclude with a discussion of the implications this work has for the study of identity and punishment in the United States and beyond.

The American Politics Seminar is a year-long speaker series that features leading scholars in American Politics. Invited scholars present cutting-edge research and engage in lively debate with faculty and graduate students. The seminar is made possible partially through a generous grant from the Bankard Fund for Political Economy at the University of Virginia. The Seminar is organized by Justin Kirkland. Papers are generally sent to invitees in the week or so prior to each talk.

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